Wholesome Direct: confira as novidades do evento na E3 2021
Leandro Paiva
A Little to the Left, A Walk with Yiayia, Alekon, Amber Isle, BattleCakes, Bear & Breakfast, Beats of Maravilla Island, Behind the Frame, Bird Problems, Button City, Cloud Jumper, Dordogne, E3 2021, Frogsong, Garden Story, Here comes Niko!, Hoa, Hot Pot For One, KeyWe, Kokopa's Atlas, Lake, Letters, Loddlenaut, Luna's Fishing Garden, Moonglow Bay, Moonshell Island, Mythic Ocean, Nintendo Switch, Paralives, Passpartout 2: The Lost Artist, PC, Pekoe, PlayStation 4, Please be Happy, Pupperazzi, Rainbow Billy: The Curse of the Leviathan, Recolit, Sally, Skate Bird, Snacko, Soup Pot, Spirit Swap: Lofi Beats to Match-3 To, Steam, Tasomachi Behind the Twilight, Teacup, The Gecko Gods, Tracks of Thought, Unpacking, We are OFK, Wholesome, Witch Life Story, Witchery Academy, Woodo, Wytchwood, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Yokai Inn